Oct 17, 2010


2 more weeks of PTP and whooshh..hopefully i will be off to the hellishes of all hell that is the civil defence academy for my Section Commander Course for like 6 months only!!!:P Or i could stay with few others and complete my basic rescue training for another 5 more wks which is alright to me..heee...wouldnt mind being a provost or driver u know. But i am goin with the flow..i always emphasize in getting myself fit and passing my ippt.

I still have to work hard on my pull up, sbj and 2.4 but i can really see a huge improvement compared to b4 entering national service. I really thank the PTIs for their effort in helping us all. Hopefully, i can manage to pass all the 5 sations and perhaps getting silver at least..

There is this girl in my facebook friends list which i have yet to talk to..but would love to..i just dont know why i have yet to approach her. Know her through my ex few years ago in ITE. I must say i admire her very much though i dont really know her that well cos we havent spoke to each other, just wave wave and thats only like for a couple of times when i was still with my ex. I really do think she's my type but guess i have to look at myself in the mirror first. She's my age perhaps older a bit. She's cute and from her picture, she's decent and knows her roots well. Its hard to find such people around anymore.. Haiz..hopefully one day, i can find the strenghth to start a conversation with her.